Santa Monica and Hoover Street
By Kenneth Sousie
I’d learned three things that day. First, I am an ambidextrous drummer. Second, I really wanted this job. Third, things often do not go as you expect them to.
The Way to a Granddaughter's Heart
By Scarlett Liriano Cepin
A grandmother’s cooking helps her forge a connection with her granddaughter.
Ede Ominira
By Lola Jacobs
It is not what I get, that will define me. It’s what I do with it.
Examining Bookstores: The Strand
By Nikolaos Panaousis
A perfectly arranged path of book exploration.
My Uncle, The Dead Man
By Victoria Merlino
“Nobody in the room cried, but my grandmother did ask me if I wanted cake afterward. For me, this was the end of Billy Edkins: not with a bang but with a forkful of chocolate.”
Finding the Connection
by Olivier Dumont
A young man’s journey to connect with his extraordinary grandfather.
Love, Sabrina
by Stephanie Jones
A coming of age story about two queer girls falling in love in Jamaica.