A Conflict's Toll on South Brooklyn
By Mia Gindis
Why is it that, at a moment when we should be bonding together to defeat a common enemy, many are instead choosing to paint one another as the enemy?
A Visit to the Seer
By Rebecca Newell
I find that the breadth of the ego and fear of retribution stay with you. Even if I leave this place, the burden will still remain.
Rhetorical Analysis: “What Do Pictures Want?”
By Eduardo Esteves
… As eras change, the figures we idolize morph into something new that, without knowing, we continue to unreasonably venerate—in this instance, technology and celebrities.
Grief: That Five Letter Word
By Isabella Lopez
It truly is the worst feeling, watching someone you have known since you were brought into this world, die slowly.
Our Past Remains Ever Present
By Charise Williams
What is in the past should not have been forgotten, instead of serving as a reminder of America’s tragic past.
Representation of Black Women in Comics Matters
By Christie Sylvester
Intentionally or not, the Black female characters that do emerge will often fall into the pit traps that are stereotypes.
The Dollar Store Crisis
By James Zhang
Dollar stores perpetuate the discrimination of these communities as their effects are more detrimental than beneficial.
An Ethical Approach to Personalized Ads
By Nadya Khan
Rather than focusing their mission on sales, the priority should be what they can do for the consumer, and what makes their product or service better than their competitors.
The Decrease in Length of English Sentences: A Historical Overview
By Edward Karak
Writers tailor their writing to their audience. When literacy was concentrated among the upper class, writers appealed to their refined, educated, and aristocratic tastes by writing more elaborate sentences.